Produce & Fresh Cut

Cleaning and Sanitation in Organic Food Processing Facilities

Each week, multiple calls come in to the Birko Tech Desk asking about products for cleaning and sanitation in organic food processing facilities. With the growth in the organic sector and an increasing emphasis on food safety in both the organic and conventional markets, there is a constant need for education about what constitutes organic processing and what products are suitable for cleaning these facilities.

We have previously posted blogs on the importance of cleaning and sanitation to both organic producers (FAQs on Organic Produce and Food Safety for Organic Producers), however, it is always good to share additional information on this topic.

Among the products that we recommend to most of our food processing customers are the Sterilex PerQuat®-based products used for removing biofilm, disinfecting hard surfaces and cleaning drains. Birko is pleased to share a recent Sterilex blog describing the suitability of using their products (as well as other commonly used sanitizers) in organic post-harvest production.

Elis Owens, Ph.D., Director, Technical Services, Birko, can be reached at [email protected], 303-289-1090.